The Banco Central de la República Argentina (BCRA) has introduced the BOPREAL (Bonos para la Reconstrucción de una Argentina Libre), which are bonds issued in US dollars for importers with outstanding payment obligations for goods and services. These bonds are intended to address the historic growth of commercial debts with foreign entities due to exchange rate delays and the consequent lack of foreign currency. BOPREAL comes in three series with different terms and benefits. The first series offers interest at a 5% annual nominal rate and additional benefits like tax exemptions and options for early redemption. Subsequent series will have shorter terms for currency access and fewer benefits. Individuals and legal entities with outstanding debts from imports before December 12, 2023, can subscribe to these bonds through a financial entity. BOPREAL offers a structured, transparent solution for importers to manage their debts and provides various mechanisms for redemption and use in tax payments, subject to specific conditions and limitations.